Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What's with Jim Morrison and Vampires?


There is a scene from Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind where Mary Spevak, starts sharing her favorite quotes...

"Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.
Nietzsche (A favorite of Morrisons). Beyond Good and Evil... Found it in my Bartlett's."

Like Mary, I also love quotes. Face it, there are only so many words and combinations thereof, that it is most likely that the sentiment you are trying to express has already been written.

Those who know me know I like Jim Morrison. LOVED the movie. Bought the Soundtrack and visited his grave in Paris. Before Ray and Walk the Line and the like, Val Kilmer had his Jim Morrison down. He was Jim. Same simple movie plot, music, drugs, women... ending in either salvation or death. Jim was a film student in his early days, perhaps the foundation for the quote.

The reason that Jim's quote spoke to me is this. When I watch a movie, a really good movie, well acted, great cinematography, cool soundtrack... and that certain something that you bring to the screen from your own life that can relate to something in the movie, like a secret you both share, once that movie has ended, I feel like I have taken a piece of that movie with me. Sucked just enough blood from it so that we both continue to live, but that hole in me is now satiated, at least temporarily. The great thing about owning DVDs is that you can access that feeling on your own, like a movie medicine cabinet.

Taking something away from a movie that can suspend all rationale, make the unreal seem possible and makes you forget you are in a theater (even drowning out the cell phones and people who think they are whispering) leaves you with memories, perhaps insight and even feelings to reflect on, and even helps us all to better communicate with each other, make a connection on some common level. Just remember, if all else fails, "Vote for Pedro."

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Who the Hell am I?


In my life the phrase I have heard the most, whether in relation to a job or hobby is, 'do what you love' or 'find your passion and follow it.' I am passionate about movies; not making them, directing them or acting in them. I like to watch them and with the creation of the DVD, I like to rewatch and learn about the film, watch the outtakes and alternate endings. I sometimes spend whole days watching movies back to back, or over and over. I can't rent less than three at a time. I know nothing about movies except for what I like and what touches me. If you are looking for a film authority, I am not it. Sometimes the best movies are the ones we can relate to; the ones that touch us in a personal way. My list of favorites may make some "seasoned critics" laugh. I don't care. Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't. If I think a movie is a must see even if you have to "pay the full price", I'll tell you. Likewise, if you should spend your money on other things, like gum and baseball cards, rather than a movie ticket, I'll tell you that too. You can choose to listen or not. I don't care. I'm having fun. Welcome to my world.