Thursday, September 2, 2010

Eliot Deacon: I thought you were different.
You all say you're scared of death, but the truth is you're more scared of life.
Thank you Redbox! I love only spending a dollar on films that turn out really bad. This was one of them. Christina Ricci plays a schoolteacher who is having trouble trusting the boyfriend (Justin Long) who wants to marry her. After an argument, she gets in a car accident and "wakes up" in the morgue of a local funeral home. It is there that mortician Elliot Deacon (Liam Neeson) spends the rest of the movie convincing her that she is indeed dead and prepares her for her funeral. The whole movie just about centers on this theme of living life and how life is wasted and it is only at the end that our worst suspicions are confirmed and the film takes on more of a horror film air. Ricci practically sleepwalks through this film except that she over acts and one doesn't counter the other. Neeson is misplaced and how they got him to do this is beyond me. Long I don't care much about but he over did it just as much as everyone else. This was just a plain bad film. Thank you Redbox!