Friday, January 15, 2010


MOON: IT'S 2010 NOT 2001

This is not your parent's space oddessy. Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) is an astronaut who has a three year contract with a private company to "mine" the moon as a newfound source of electricity. Look closely at the great shots of the moon with square mined areas taken out. Brilliant. He is joined only by Gerty (Kevin Spacey) the intentionally sounding Hal-like robot who attends to his ever need. Director Duncan Jones (David Bowie's son) puts a few references in the movie to 2001 as well as Danny Boyle's Sunshine (clue, it's in the music) and has fun with the use of the flow-bee and the clapper. After an accident while on duty attending to a machine Sam is knocked unconscious. When we see him next he is waking up in the infirmary with Gerty informing him that he had an accident. After a while of paranoia, we soon find out that Sam is still unconscious, left for dead in the range rover only to be rescued by Sam. Confused?