I can't be much help to you here... at first, it looks like a typical small town with Ashley Judd playing a typical small town girl who has seen way too much for her short life. We meet new characters, including her ex-husband (Harry Connick playing a great bad guy!) Enter Peter Evans who seems like the shy quiet type; a good man. From there, it's anybody's guess. What is ture and what isn't? Is it drug related paranoia or mental illness? There may have been a great story here, but the plot does not flush out enough facts to help the view who sits, head in hands saying "huh?" Not a big loss if you don't see it.

Thrillers are great to watch; lower body count, if not less blood and guts. I was hoping this would be one. I mean, with two known and gifted actors, Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson, I don't know what went wrong. Yes, there were scary parts when I felt my heart beating a bit faster, but the rest was so ludicrous that it made it funny. The set up was great and believable. My favorite was Frank Whaley as Mason, the desk clerk. After a while, the chasing became laughable and I fast forwarded through a lot. In the end, it again, lost all it's spookiness and after that, it lost me. Save your time, read a Steven King book.

The idea started out with good intentions. Sandra Bullock is Linda Quinn Hanson, wife of Jim (Julian McMahon) and some children. Her world is turned upside down once she is told her husband died in a car accident. Little by little her world is divided in two, one of grief and sorrow and the other of fantasy. In her fantasy world her husband is alive and she is thrilled. Unfortunately this comes off a bit like Groundhog's Day where each day repeats itself until... until you don't care anymore. Bullock did a great job with that she had, but heartbreakingly McMahon slept-walked through his role. However, not being married, maybe that's how it really is. I had hoped for more, being a fan of Nip/Tuck, his FX show, but he was not appealing at all, as was this movie. It was something to do, but too tiring to go back and forth between the two worlds. I think I'll take a nap. Maybe when I wake, McMahon will be in my fantasy world!

Let me say this; Jamie Kennedy is a/was a talented actor. I liked Malibu's Most Wanted. Yes, it was goofy, but sometimes we need those things so I thought maybe it would be just that. A story about a young boy who gets in an accident while breakdancing and stays in a coma for 20-odd years. So, of course once we wakes up he has to adjust to the new world around him. Right there; that's a story, but alas it goes on and it isn't pretty. D-