This is not an average "cop" movie. This is a powerful and intense drama about two brothers; neither living the life they wanted. Joe (played by Marky Mark Wahlberg) is his father's son and a cop. His father, Bert Grusinsky (Robert Duvall) is the Deputy Chief and is quite proud of his son... one of them anyway. The other son, Robert Green (Joaquin Phoenix) manages a disco/dance club and is fond of his Russian boss who treats him like family. Eva Mendes is Amanda, Bobbie's ubersexy girlfriend. Now this is where the train jumps the tracks. I'll not be specific so as not to ruin the twists and turns which usually only covers the ending. Not so here. The film is not a "typical" cop movie. There are no "dirty cops". There is no black or white, good or bad, right or wrong. This film is emotionally charged and driven which is a different place to go with a mostly all male cast. It's about emotion and sympathy and vengence and fear. The audience is challenged to forget what we think we know. I liked that, but would not have forseen it. Brothers who rival each other, and also love each other AND don't have a problem saying it outloud. Mendes, although ravishing, is more than an ornament. She doesn't hang off Phoenix like a cheap suit; she is a real and sincere person. This is the best I've seen from her thus far. Each character is individually well crafted and yet there is a connection between them that is implied, but not obvious. It is raw and vulnerable and tough all at the same time. Phoenix steers the ship, but Wahlberg, Duvall and Mendes are solidly rowing. Fantastic film all around.
Pick: Well crafted acting and solid script make a delicious and riveting film.