Comedian Dane Cook is Chuck, that 'one guy' you date and then after breaking up with him you find the real man you're supposed to marry; at least that's the premise of the movie. So this turns into an "urban myth" and women are flocking to be with him, except for the one he can't have. Jessica Alba is Cam, the ultra clumsy, but beautiful and sweet "girl next door"; at least that's the premise of this character. She has heard the rumor and won't date him until he finally endears himself to her. No need for further mention unless you want me to get mean. This movie, and especially Dane Cook, is like a vibrator; nice at a low setting, but way too much stimulation when turned on high. He has his moments (few and far between) when he's funny, but there are way too many moments when he grates on you. He has a friend; no need for further mention unless you want me to get mean and vulgar... okay, more vulgar and crude. I think they were trying to pull a SOMETHING ABOUT MARY and got lost. I felt embarrassed Not a Pick: Not as bad as I expected, but not better than that. You can sit this one out.