With so many people speculating on how Heath Ledger died this week, I'd rather pay tribute to a young actor who left this world far too early, but left behind groundbreaking work. Heathcliff Andrew Ledger was born in Perth, Australia April 4, 1979. His early work was done on Australian television. I first noticed Heath in the 1999 film, 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU with Julia Stiles. Not wanting to be typecast, he next performed in THE PATRIOT with Mel Gibson. His career spans many films both good (MONSTER'S BALL, A KNIGHT'S TALE, CANDY) and not so good (NED KELLY, THE BROTHER'S GRIMM) but it was in Ang Lee's BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN that everyone took notice. The subject matter was thought shocking to the average viewer, as it brought into focus something we've never seen before, but it was his embodiment of his character that made us connect, feel his conflict, feel the emotions. BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and Heath were nominated many times for many awards. His last film, currently playing, was the Bob Dylan film, I'M NOT THERE. The film we will see him in next, now is post-production, is THE DARK KNIGHT as a much more twisted version of the Joker with Christian Bale playing Batman once more. Of course the movie studio is reassessing their plans to market the movie, adding a black ribbon to marketing materials in Heath's memory. Although his work as an actor was impressive for his young age, I think he would agree that his best work was with actress Michelle Williams with their production of a daughter, Matilda Rose who was born in October of 2005. His death is tragic and sad. He was a gifted actor and he will be missed.