I have no problem with George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, Tom Wilkinson, or Sydney Pollack. This was a well-crafted movie about a lawsuit, the good guys and the bad guys. Clooney restrains himself from the funny/charming part of him and plays the part straight. There are twists and turns, but nothing overly dramatic or spectacular. Frankly, I felt like I was watching a long episode of Law and Order. We've seen this before. There wasn't anything new or cutting edge. I think everyone did a good job, but best actor/best actress/best picture good??? I felt no connection to these characters and if anyone did die, go to prison, lose their practice... I didn't care. It was slick, well cut and wrapped in a pretty box with a big bow, but I still didn't think this movie was anything to get excited about.
This is NOT a pick: TNT shows reruns of Law and Order... you'll see the same stuff there (and for free!).