Part One: Meet Gary (Ryan Reynolds) a typical hollywood actor out on a binge, stopping to ask a hooker, "excuse me, is this crack?" So well done and very realistic. It's fun to watch actors portray actors. So sentenced to house arrest, he finds romance with a mysterious neighbor, Sarah,(Hope Davis) and unexpectedly gets a new roomie, Margaret (Melissa McCarthy). Unexplainable things happen and there is the sense that something is off, but you can't put your finger on it. The acting was super, the plot intrigueing and the casting supurb. Part Two: Now we're on a reality tv program or documentary following Reynolds again, except this time he looks diffrent, acts different and his name is Galvin. He has just written and is now supervising the shoot of one of his scripts. He has written a part in for his gal-pal, Melissa (who is played by McCarthy) as the real writer/director wrote McCarthy's character just for her. Gavin gets between a rock and a hard place as the "suits" producing the project (enter Davis as Susan) don't agree with his choice of actress. At this point the movie is still strong and good and well acted etcetera. Part Three: The show that "Galvin" had written is now a "real-life" incident. He, this time as Gabriel, and his wife Mary (McCarthy) are out in the forest with their daughter (another adorable Fanning) and their car has trouble. He runs to get a cell signal or help and runs into Sierra (Davis) hippie naturalist. By now, the issue of same actor/different part works and is even fun. However, the ending leaves a lot of questions and then goes off on a wildly different tangent ending in a way that only leaves more questions. DVD extra: A short story showcasing McCarthy called God. That alone is worth the rental fee.
Pick: I recommend this film, fun ride until you get to the end, but it's easy to forgive.