"8 Strangers. 8 Points of View. 1 Truth."
Perhaps too many films before this have already done this before. After Vantage Point begins, runs for a few minutes, well into the action, it rewinds. Each time it rewinds we see the same event only by a different "vantage point". So as the views unravel, we find out who is on the good side and who is on the bad side and what this single event could mean... in a world where there would be so many flaws in the story that it just wouldn't be viable. This film is multidimensional and keeps a good pace at pulling the viewer closer and closer. What the film also does is ask more questions that never get answered. If you can suspend reality and take it for an interesting movie, then it is worth the look. No one over-acted anyone else or stood out. The ending was pretty hard to swallow (cue the music) but I did find it entertaining.
1/2 PICK: Neat little package if you don't watch the news or the President or anything real.