What was this, the newest version of the Wizard of Oz? A woman who doesn't know what she wants has to travel to a distant land in order to find that she had the answer all along. I was shocked by Ryan Murphy's involvement with this as he is the mastermind behind Glee and Nip Tuck, two of my favorite television programs. Needless to say, this was quite a side trip from his usual fare. While I think it was a well written script it came off as too preachy and too rehearsed often times. I'm not a big Julia Roberts fan in general, but specifically I think that she was miscast in this film. However, all of the men that seemed to pepper her world where lovely and fitting. I know this is based on one woman's story, and I think it's both sad yet accurate that
so many women have been able to identify with it. I know that movies are supposed to be filled with beautiful people, but that would have liked to have seen the same story with both actors and actresses who were not beautiful and lovely, as they are the target audience. I say save on the airfare, eat lunch at the Olive Garden and then go see Blue Valentine for a more accurate depiction of relationships today.