"Let me tell you about my day so far. Coffee in Paris, surfed the Maldives. Took a little nap on Mount Kilimanjaro. Oh yeah, and I got digits from this Polish chick in Rijo. And then I jumped back for the final quarter of the NBA finals. Court side, of course. And all that was before lunch."
The end. Okay, but just a little more... because that's all there is, just a little more. Seemingly magically, our "jumper", David Rice, discovers he has a skill at 'teleporting' himself where ever in the world he wants to go just be willing it so. Of course he has to practise and then (of course) we find the bad guys who are looking for him. For once, I liked Hayden Christensen as David. He looked human; almost unrecognisably so. And for another 'once' I found Samuel Jackson lacking as a bad guy with a VERY bad hair day. If this movie had more of a sarcastic wit, it might have worked. Both actors played it cool, not terribly so, but enough to wish they knew how funny they looked. It almost reminded me of the Harry Potter series, with less special effects. It was passable and watchable, but before the ending could crescendo, it is left open. This means that they had so much faith in this film they were ready for another. Too large a step for a movie about "being there".
1/2 PICK: Only because it was mildly entertaining, but not much more so.