ROMANCE AND CIGARETTES AN UNUSUAL COMBINATIONWhat an unbelievably odd film John Turturro has brought to us. Literally, as it finished production back in 2005, but due to studio politics, Turturro chose to use his own money to distribute it here. I think that movies go through trends just like other media. It appears that the year 2007 was the year for off-beat musicals. If others were "off-beat" than this movie jumped the tracks and kept on running. Nick (James Gandolfini) will probably remembered best with his work on the Sopranos. Who better to play a crude and unpolished unhappily married man that he? His wife, Kitty (Susan Sarandon) delivers an unexpectedly range of character; from softness to nag. So, with him unhappy wedlock, he does what any man does, he has an affair. Her name is Tula (Kate

Winslett) and to date, I have not seen her in a more slutty, raw and crass character. She was totally unrecognisable during the first few scenes of the movie as we only see her in the shadows, dancing. The whole movie is like that. Strange and unexpected. It does not take itself too seriously or over the top, like it could have easily been. The song and dance numbers are engaging. To see the policemen pirouette, the pregnant women in step using their bellies as props... so bizarre and surreal.

Parts of the script even comes from song lyrics. There are so many outstanding performances, even those in short cameos that constantly keep you drawn to the film. Christopher Walkin is Bo, Kitty's cousin who helps her deal with the whore who has been seeing her husband. It is truly full of excellence and just plain craziness. Some of the musical numbers didn't fit well into a scene, but the others outweighed the difference. There is serious drama in the film as much as the serious absurdity. Some were randy and crude and some touching and insightful. Well worth a peak.
PICK: What a bizarre and engaging film/musical and a powerful cast of characters is delightful.