For any man who ever had or has a father
"A parent and a child. The past and the present. Memories and secrets.
Can you know someone for a lifetime.... and not know them at all?
The life of a father. Through the journey of a son."
Parents are both idols and heroes at different times in our lives. We love them. We hate them. They are dreamily hypnotic and terrifyingly embarrassing. Colin Firth, in perhaps the best role to date, is Blake, son of Arthur (Jim Broadbent) who is dying from cancer. There have been all sorts of grown children helping their terminal parent and making that shift from adult to really an adult. This is perhaps the best one yet. The scenery is lush and green. We see Blake in different years of his life and his father's role during them. It is serene and gentle. Definitely a character-driven movie, each actor bringing their hearts and souls to breathe life into the characters (based on a real story). A subtle and graceful film.
PICK: Brilliant performances bring father-son story to life. Beautiful and moving.