Zach (Seth Rogan) and Miri (Elizabeth Banks) are friends and roommates and have been since high school. While attending their first high school reunion, they realize that neither is living life like they wanted to. They are drowning in bills and one by one, their utilities get turned off for non payment and they must decide how to handle their impending financial ruin. Who wouldn't think sex tape? Miri unwittingly star of her own mini-episode, "Granny Panties" agrees and the two bring everything and everyone together. After a few obstacles, they finally work on the video. It's around that time that each sees the other in a different light. Without sounding prudish, as I can swear with the best of them, this movie had way too much arbitrary swearing. Seriously. There is a time and a place for colorful language and I'm all for it, but it just made this movie start on very shaky ground. It was like a frat party with cursing and farting and beer drinking. Luckily, after the vulgar start, a rhythm began and the characters became real. The swearing was toned down. I cared about the characters.
1/2 Bite: Predictable, but sweet in its moments. Funny parts, but not a 'laugh a minute' flick.