"Only the most ridiculous parts of this movie are true" with that introduction (and be sure to see the ending/credits where the movie follows its provocative "welcome to this film"). This is a movie about the people who we depend on for clear and correct information. Sure, the government issues statements and has press conferences, but how do we really know what is real and what is ridiculous? "Putting your life in danger is actually living.... the rest is television." Meet Simon (Richard Gere) who is a weary man. After watching terrible acts of war during his time as a journalist, he gets too close to his story and basically lost it on live network TV. Then he faded away. Cast away once Simon's partner ins crime, he has been making his way up in the network Duck (Terrence Howard) a definitely much cushier job. Five years after the Bosnian war, Simon cleverly "runs into" Duck. He is given the opportunity of a lifetime and knowing how he works well with Simon, he hesitantly agrees. This movie cries out "gonzo journalism". Both Gere and Howard have been seen in much calmer roles, but they really bring it in this one. There is chaos everywhere yet we clearly see the bond between the men. In the middle of a hostile situation there are jokes and sarcasm and surprises. On their excursion there are some bumps in the road and we are reminded of how very real life and death are when you are not sleeping snugly in you bed in the good ole USA. This was a really good movie. There are turns and twists and a few left hooks at the CIA. Their adventure was incredible as was this film.
PICK: Who wouldn't want to watch Gere and Howard for 101 minutes? Fascinating story!