I have no idea where to start with flashy looking, music video with words movie. This is the kind of movie that people either love or hate. It could very well turn into a cult classic.It borderlines on pornographic; pedophiles dream come true. A cast of scantily clad, kick-ass babes who for the most part look like they're all under 18, running around copying moves from all of the best choreographed films; Kill Bill, The Matrix, Wanted, and so on. This is a fantasy world where all the men are bad, and or abusive. So, when institutionalized, our main heroine Baby Doll,can't stand the reality of living in an institution and so she transports herself into another fantasy world. However, that world is also terrible enough that she needs to transport herself into yet another fantasy world. Symbolically, this is where she and her captive friends, all scantily clad, fight for their freedom. You might say it's like Inception on acid. Generally speaking, I like films where the women kick ass. However, these girls looked like they were just playing the part. It was an interesting film, that I can't say that I quite enjoyed it. I will have to admit that I did fast forward through bits of the fantasy fight sequence. Not quite my cup of tea.