Barry: Vincent Van Gogh. Everyone said to him, "You can't be a great painter, you only have one ear." And you know what he said? "I can't hear you."
Contrary to popular opinion this is not the worst movie in the world, however it is not exactly the best movie in the world either. It's at times like these that I remind myself that not all movies have to be Oscar contenders and that it's okay to watch something that is silly unbelievable and maybe even borderline stupid. Sometimes, big surprise, I am entertained by stupid stuff. Basically, it's a movie, a "bromance" between two very unlikely men. Tim (Paul Rudd) is the ambitious, yet low man on the totem pole, generic executive worker whose coworkers decide to throw a dinner party. The objective is to bring the most "interesting" dinner guest. After literally running into Uber geek Barry (Steve Carell) and since of course he is an actual nice
person at heart, he tries to help him at first, then turns to invite him to this dinner. This is not The Social Network, Inception, or True Grit. It does not even come close. However, there were some pretty funny moments, a lot of those coming from Thermon (Zack Galifianakis). Unfortunately Carell is nowhere near as funny as he is or rather has been with The Office. Despite my objections, I still thought this was a harmless bit of entertainment to partake in. But don't take my word for it, see it for your self and then let me know what you think.