Once upon a time, there was an incredibly well done fairy tale for adults. It was a magical and glorious story about the quest for power, the innocent versus the evil but above all, love. Although, as with every fairy tale for adults, there was tragedy. The worst most unthinkable tragedy possible; no one knew it was there. This spell of invisibility may have been cast by a misleading film trailer or simply a jaded, bitter world where only the raunchy and unclever humor resides. The film begins in a simple country village where a young man, curious for what lie in other villages escapes a well guarded wall only to find a land of enchantment and mystery he never fathomed. Later, this man's son, Tristan (so well pulled off by relatively unknown but well cast Charlie Cox) has the same inkling, but this time he vows to escape the wall to earn his love interest Victoria, so vapidly portrayed by Sienna Miller. What he sets off to find is not what he discovers, not only the "prize" for his Victoria, but real love and a place for himself in this magical world. The star-power in this film is amazing (pun intended). Ian McKellan narrates our journey in the proper way a fairy tale should be told. Michelle Pfieffer, Peter O'Toole, Rupert Everett, Ricky Gervais and the list goes on. All were fantastic and strong performances, except f

Rating: A magical and adventurous fairy tale about love with an all star cast. Not to miss.