Dr. Paul Flanner: We all make choices, Adrienne. You chose that life, you chose that man. Do you even remember who you really are anymore?
It just gets worse from there. Through a totally predictable set up we meet Diane Lane (Adrienne) and Richard Gere (Paul) in the same place at the right time. It was contrived if ever there was anything more true to the word. Both characters were less than authentic and watching the actors try to bring them to life was both sad and pointless. The dialogue was hollow and oh so terrible. It's hard to understand that these two talented actors would have chosen this to do anything but fund raise (which seems to be going around). I don't know if the movie was worse than the ending, or not, as it was hard to watch the TV screen and throw up at the same time. Total fatal movie.BITE this: Put the clock next to the screen and watch your time wasted on this film. Yuck!