YOU KILL ME WAS A SWEET DEATH This is the most unusual romantic comedy that I have seen in a long time. Stop reading this page and go rent this movie now... I mean it, now!!! The writing was sharp and dialogue clever and witty. Ben Kingsley perfectly portrays Frank Falenczyk, an alcoholic mob hit man gone sloppy. He is sent to San Francisco to dry out and get his life back together. There he meets Owen Wilson (Tom) at an AA meeting. Luke was such a gem in this role, playing a gay man without doing the stereotypical "gay" act. Frank also meets Laurel Pearson (Tea Leone) a sharp witted woman who
speaks her mind even at her most vulnerable. This is not a slapstick comedy by any means. This is a comedy based on life, how things are in the "real world" and our human frailty and yes, sometimes life gets pretty complicated and strange, just like this film. There is a back story about the mob life that Frank has left back home, but the most captivating story is the romance between Frank and Laurel. This is a real and honest film and there is no use in guessing how it will end because just like in life, you won't know until you get there. Do yourself a favor and rent this movie as quick as you can.Rating: Clever and sharp, funny enough to make you laugh out loud. Well done.