I don't mind watching movies labeled as "chick flicks". Some are offended by the phrase, but it helps me gauge what to expect or not expect from a film. (Face it, even critics are biased.) That being said, I was hoping to catch a lighthearted comedy about relationships. I finished the DVD then went right to the bathroom to look for the razor blades.
This was some sort of cross-pollination between When Harry Met Sally (BEST relationship film ever), Sex and the City (BEST TV series on relationships) and then really bad, tedious, painful, stagnant writing and acting. You have this fabulous cast: Drew Barrymore, Ginnifer Goodwin, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Connelly, Jennifer Aniston. These fabulous women (I guess the men got the short end: RE: "Chick Flick") and nothing was good about any of it. The plots are predictable and uninteresting. The heaping piles of character attack on how women operate could fuel a hybrid car. Like some women, when it comes to men, everything revolves that relationship and all it entails. However, talking about your new boyfriend is one thing. Talking about how stupid you are when it comes to love and romance and then making more stupid choices while expecting different results, over and over and over and over and OVER AND OVER, is another thing. Luckily I am here to heed warning. I'm no brain scientist and even I wouldn't make half the cliched mistakes that happen in this flick. ACK!
BITE ME: May be tasteless but certainly not odorless. Not a good film. Go re watch WHMS.