Aside from a great wardrobe and fun dance sequences, there wasn't enough hairspray to hold this movie up. I don't see what all the fuss was about John Travolta playing a woman. He sounded more southern than Baltimore and he just wasn't that interesting to watch. Most of the movie, although it was well done and very pretty with pretty actors, I didn't see the point. John Waters, the father of the original Hairspray with Ricki Lake (both playing bit parts in this movie) did a great job with the first one; why remake? An all star cast was fun to watch when they weren't singing. Focused on integration/segregation, this movie had a lot more messages to give (if you're fat you can still dance and be cool and get the cute boy) but the lightness of the film during the song and dance didn't fit well with the serious issues. I am sure it will get many awards, but overall it was pretty plastic. My favorite was Christopher Walken dancing and singing... and John Travolta did too...
Rating: Not terrible, but not worth all the buzz it has been getting.