A true '80s film that gives us a taste of what growing up white, over privileged and under supervised does to a person. Clay (Andrew McCarthy) returns from school back East for Christmas break after leaving his two best friends behind. Most of the movie is spent with him running after his ex/not ex girlfriend Blair (Jami Gertz) and his ex/not ex best friend Julian (Robert Downey Jr.) trying to help him out of a mighty mess with drug dealer Rip (James Spader). Stellar performances from all involved, especially (two of) my true loves, McCarthy and Downey. One of the few anti-drug movies that shows the ugly side of the pretty people's world.
Anecdotal note: On vacation in Vegas, my best friend and I are walking through a casino when a short man passes by me looking just like Andrew McCarthy. I tell her and she begins the chase, I follow at a much slower pace. She gets close enough to yell his name and he turns, which eggs her on more and sets him on a moderate jog back to hotel. She, not to be beaten easily, has the nerve to use the hotel lobby phone and asks the operator for his room and then thrusts the phone at me. Not knowing what to say, I ask if it's him, which of course it is, and I tell him we were the crazy girls running after him and beg for him to come to the lobby for a photo. Ever so kindly, he does not accept my offer as he has an "early call" on the set for whatever he was filming, but thanked me for calling. I was on cloud 9 for days. (sigh!) Good times.

New York cop, John McClain ( Bruce Willis) as he recalls the invitation "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs...” has come to Los Angeles to visit/reconcile with his wife (Bonnie Bedelia) and children. Unfortunately there are several determined German terrorists led by a cultured bad guy Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman is brilliant) who try to get in his way. Being the tough as nails cop that he is (aren't all of NY finest like that?) he fights back and practically saves the day single-handedly. With one liners that were repeated far too many times for years after, this action packed, thrilling film has earned many kudos for being one of the best action flicks ever AND it just so happens during... Christmas! Bruce Willis owned this movie and the air around it. Yipee Ki Yay!
However, the #1 non-traditional Christmas movie will always be...

Samantha Caine (Geena Davis) is a typical almost boring woman except for the fact that she lost her memory. However, that does not stop her from being a mother to her 8 year old daughter and having some sort of a relationship with some guy. One day, out of the blue, a stranger appears at her door seeking revenge and somehow, out of instinct, she manages to save her family and kick his ass before passing out from a blow to the head. It is after that trauma that she and the last private detective she can afford, Mitch Henessey, Skillfully played by Samuel Jackson, ("...everyone knows, when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of "u" and "umption") head out to find some answers; and answers she does find. It turns out that Samantha is really Charly Baltimore, mysterious and lethal government agent who was thought dead; and that's where the fun begins. This is a great action film, but it is also a very funny, very clever film. The humor is dry and sometimes bawdy, but plain old fun. This time, however, the hero is a woman who can and will kick your ass.