Although I really didn't want to put that much thought into this, I guess this is a prequel to Paranormal Activity. So much time has passed since I saw the first one, I didn't even recognize the couple from the original. So basically this young couple has a baby and after a year or so their house is broken into so they install security cameras. We are lucky enough to get to watch the cameras as they focus on one room until something moves, or wiggles or the dog barks at nothing or the baby looks at nothing and so on. Then of course we have the bickering back and forth what these things mean or if they mean anything. They are are are many allusions made to a haunted past and stuff "we don't talk about". It's pretty predictable, and like in the first one all of the action pretty much happens in the last 15 minutes. Note to self, never see a movie with a dog in it. The thing that I don't like about these movies is that there is no explanation as to why this is happening. There is no conclusion, nothing that makes sense, not even blaming it on the devil. Once more, there is a Paranormal Activity 3 planned, which is not surprising after watching the ending to this one.