Luigi: [reading from Evelyn's locket] My dearest daughter, never marry for money, fame, power or security. Always follow your heart.
Your ever loving father
Blue Bandit: It says all that on that little locket?
Luigi: Si
If you see one movie this year, I would ask that you chose this one. This is a golden fairy tale, along the likes of The Princess Bride with more sarcasm, dry humor more blood and death. The story follows an oh so sweet and heartbreaking little girl, Alexandria (Cantinca Untaru) , who is stuck in a hospital while waiting for her broken arm to heal. Curious as a bug, she wanders around, taking in all that she sees with her wide saucer-like eyes. She comes across a man, Roy Walker (Lee Pace) a stunt man who was injured while filming a movie. Thing is, his heart also broke and leaves him suicidal confused man. The two make a perfect odd combination. He tells her an adventure story, which introduces us to other characters, most having a place in the girl's real world, much like Wizard of Oz. The tale of the Blue Bandit begins, however, he makes her bring him things (like Morphine) so that he might be able to kill himself. It is cruel and so selfish of him, but she does not understand his ulterior motives and plays along to get more story. This film is magic. It is as visually stunning as it is full of life and adventure and love.
It is NOT a predictable film and even makes light of that during the story telling. I was so enthralled by this film that I watched it again before returning it, which I rarely do. You will laugh and cry and hold your breath as I did toward the ending. The Fall covers a lot of territory and there are many ways the title fits the situations, as diverse as they are. A beautiful film; both visually and emotionally.

Big PICK: What a wondrous world this can be; to old and young alike. This movie broke my heart and reminded me how magical films can be.