By now, you should be able to tell my tastes include horror films, but only to a certain extent. When I watched the first in the Saw series, it was with a girfriend, eyes closed most of the time. What interested me is that the killings aren't random, don't take place on a deserted summer campground or after the car runs out of gas on a back road in rural America. Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) is an interesting character and a facinating actor. Although he sets up the "game", he stresses to his undercover partner in a series of flashbacks, that they had a choice and are given options that don't always lead to death. While heralded as the weakest in the series, I liked this one because the gore factor is low (but still gory and yes, I closed my eyes a lot) but the reasoning behind Jigsaw's actions are revealed and he comes off as sympathetic, wanting to make the world a better place; wanting to make people grow and learn from their mistakes. Despite the ick-factor and because of the desire to watch Bell's skill, I made it to the end (which some did not). Still not my favorite genre, but an interesting concept.
Nibble: I liked the psychological and forensic attention, but not the blood and gore.