Wow... this film really bit the big one. An overly serious movie about life and death and beings from other worlds. Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. This is an over the top message film. Nicholas Cage, John Koestler, is a big brainiac who notices a numerical pattern on a piece of paper found in his son's school's time capsule sealed 50 years previous. So get gets all freaky in his attempt to break the 'code', but he does and then the whole world falls apart. The end.
This could have been a better movie had it some dark comedy tossed in here or there or if had just not taken itself so seriously. It was interesting, but totally predictable. Another movie I saw (I have no original thoughts) makes the point that mathematics is the one 'language' we all can understand; including space monsters. I love Cage, but he was way too life or death and it was just too much.
This BITES: Held my attention but for all the wrong reasons.