Leave it to the Canadians to come up with such a blatant in-your-face movie that leaves you with the cold slap of amazement. Why? Because, even through this movie is "un-rated" it gives 9 and 1/2 Weeks a run for its money. There is sex, lots of it, and FULL FRONTAL NUDITY on all accounts. The only actor I recognised was the male lead, David (Eric Balfour) who was Clare's boyfriend on Six Feet Under. Lauren Lee Smith as Leila is unknown to me and delicately beautiful. Leila is a young woman dealing with being young, having flaws and trying to deal with the bumpy road of life. I was pleasantly surprised to realize that I wanted to see the end of the film and find out where the characters landed. This is a fresh, raw and very different movie for us Americans.
PICK: After the shock comes a reward. Not flawless, but still a strong film.