This is a rarity in my world. A movie that I stopped watching before the end. I have seen a lot of bad movies and movies that I wished I didn't watch, but few that I didn't see to the end. Steve Carell is one of the most funny actors ever. Every week I watch the Office and it is his antics that make me laugh out loud. From what I saw in this film, that ability fell flat; as did Anne Hathaway's performance and sadly, Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock). Johnson has successfully found his other talent, which is good comedic timing. He went from macho tough guy action star to "regular" acting, comedic acting at that and surprise, he is good at it! (See Southland Tales) Again, what I saw of this film, he fell down and went boom. I am of the generation that can remember this TV show; Mr. Bond meets Mr. Magoo. Some shows were not meant to be made into movies (MOST of them) and I'm sorry to say this one got lost in the shuffle. Take my comments with a grain of salt. Perhaps I left the movie when it was just getting good. However, I was too sleepy to tell. You make the call.
NOT a pick: Just because a recipe has all the ingredients, doesn't make the food taste good.