Almost all ages can remember one version or the other of Freaky Friday, the story of a woman and daughter who "switch" bodies and have to literally walk in the other's shoes. Here we have another Freaky Friday of sorts. This one is a dramatic one. Hannah Marris (Lili Taylor) and her daughter Samantha (Olivia Thrilby) have hit the normal progression in time when a teenager doesn't want her mother (or father) so close anymore. It's not cool to love your parents, so 'Sam' acts accordingly. They end up in a serious car accident; enter Dr. Benjamin Marris (David Duchovny) who finds himself standing between the two hospital beds containing his wife and daughter. His wife dies. It gets 'freaky' when his daughter regains consciousness and seems possessed by the spirit of Hannah. This could have gone so many different bad ways, but it didn't. Like the similar movie of years back, Birth staring Nicole Kidman, the implications hang above our heads waiting to "go there" but this one doesn't. It is amazing to be put in this sort of situation, for the most part, Dr. Marris. How do you treat your 'wife' when she is inhabiting the body of your daughter. Hello, Dr. Freud?! They cover a normal range of emotions and limitations in this situation for which there is no president, but they are covered well and believably. A very odd film, but oh, so well done. Trilby inhabits Taylor which in her first role, is awesome.
PICK: Different situation makes for an interesting film.