If you have not already discovered the gold in THE RICHES brought to us by FX, then you can catch up before season two begins soon into 2008. Wayne Malloy(Eddie Izzard) and his lovely wife Dahlia (Minnie Driver) are travelers; a type of southern gypsy and they roam around in their RV getting into wonderful and fun adventures. Perhaps I exaggerated. This show is both a drama and a dark comedy about this roving family and what happens when they reach for the ultimate scam, trying to heist the American dream. This is perhaps the most groundbreaking and refreshingly new show to hit television in a long time. It is well written, brilliantly acted and a pleasure to watch. Driver has been receiving kudos for her portrayal and it's a shame that Izzard hasn't as well, but not a surprise. He is larger than life and if you have seen his comedic performances you'll be amazed by his acting skills on this show. He was also seen and enjoyed most recently in Across The Universe.
Rating: Love it and yes, I would marry it. An absolute must see.