It seems as if dysfunctional families are more the norm than the rule. In a story written so tightly, shaving inches off the reels of film and mastering such a precise plot, we dive into two a story about two brothers. Andy (Philip Seymour-Hoffman, certainly busy these days) and Hank (Ethan Hawke) are perhaps equally doomed. Andy is married to Gina (Marisa Tomei, who has fully come into her acting prime) and slowly we are sent back in time. With each trip, the details about the brothers, their lives and the whole plot unfolds and comes into focus. As the layers are revealed bit by bit, the story gets more and more repulsive. Andy is an arrogant prick who has a nasty cocaine habit in addition to his many lackluster qualities.

PICK: Outstanding script, sharp, clear characters and a very well laid out plot.