"One Person Can Change Your Life Forever..."
This is one of those movies, like Magnolia where even though we can't connect the dots right away, by the end of the movie we see the picture of the whole puzzle and stand back shaking our heads and say, oh yeah, I get it. This is definitely a character driven story. No explosions, so gunfire, but compelling characters in a story where the end isn't what you think. It is a story about pain, redemption, grief, trauma, suffering but for some reason is life affirming and more warm than cold. Similar in The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom, your actions each day, no matter how big or small can possible alter the life course of another person as they can do the same for you. No major actors (major Latino actors) but each actor is strong and compliments the other. It is a beautiful story, even though there is not much plot in the movie, there still is a big picture.
PICK: A simple story told by not so simple characters, poignant and touching