Sunday, May 31, 2009

Quick Bite: The Wrestler

You would think we were well versed in come backs by now. Still, what an amazing job Mickey Roarke do as an actor. Seems like he was nominated for every award possible, appropriately so. Randy 'The Ram' Robinson is a down on his luck professional wrestler. The women in his life are barely in his life. Marisa Tomei is Cassidy, a "hooker with a heart of gold" except that she is neither. Evan Rachel Wood is Randy's daughter who is now almost an adult and pissed at him for his absence. A series of events lead Randy to the edge, where all he has to do is jump. Aside from the too long and forced diatribe at the end of the film, it was one of the best comebacks and films I have seen.
Bite: Aren't we all looking for our 15 minutes of fame? Well worth watching.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Before there was CGI and explosions and blood and guts there was acting, pure and simple. This is a bit of a drab movie, packing a huge emotional punch and an unlikely ending. Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Viola Davis and Philip Seymour Hoffman go to battle over ethics, suspicion and right versus wrong. The gray in this movie is only lightened by the vibrant cast.
Bite: Excellent acting with a heavy hitting cast. Worthwhile X 10.

Friday, May 1, 2009



It is 1994, which doesn't feel like a long way ago. When you see the details put together in this touching and heartfelt film, the nostalgia 'smells like teen spirit'. It was the year Kurt Cobain died. The year when everyone had a pager, not a phone. Luke Shapiro (Josh Peck) is a high school senior who has just graduated and now spends the summer at home. Oh yeah, he is also a major marijuana dealer. Luke forms an unlikely relationship with a school mate's step father, Dr. Jeffrey Squires (Ben Kingsley) who trades therapy (and a bit of wisdom) for pot.

Dr. Squires: "Certain people you just can't trust, you know Luke?
Never trust anyone who doesn't smoke pot or listen to Dylan.
Never trust anyone who doesn't like the beach.
Never, EVER, EVER trust anyone who says they don't like dogs!
You meet someone who doesn't like dogs you alert the authorities IMMEDIATELY and you sure as SHIT don't MARRY THEM!"

Kingsley is magic. His character is so human and vulnerable as is Josh Peck. They form a bond in efforts to help the other; providing support. Dr. Squires wants Luke to experience it all knowing that although painful, living life open and willing is the best medicine. This is Luke's coming of age story and possibly Dr. Squires mid-life crisis. Both actors play off each other so well. Their acting is seamless. I'm having "mad love" for Ben Kingsley. He could have made his character so far out that it wouldn't be believable or credible and it is both. He is amazing and compelling to watch. I thought that Famke Jannsen was a waste in a sub-plot, but otherwise was delightful. Give this movie a chance and learn for yourself what the "Wackness" means. Enjoy your trip back to 1994.
BIG BITE: Touching coming of age story. Very well acted and likable characters.