How many times does one have to watch the Omen to learn that oversees adoptions have their risks? While Madonna and Brangelina have made adoption seem cool, this movie does not. Esther is from Russia and is a precocious little girl that parents Kate and John (Vera Farmiga and Peter Sarsgaard) feel they need to add to their family of a young girl, Max and a slightly older boy, Daniel. As their familial story unfolds, so does Esther and her particular habits and inclinations start to get more aggressive. Soon we learn that Esther can be a handful and that is the understatement of the year.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This is not your mother's opera. This is a bloodier (although not as bloody/horror-ish as expected) and very dark film. Being compared to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, it has been heralded as a new cult favorite. It is definitely dark and gothic in picture; the kind where the guys wear just as much make-up. It plays much like Moulin Rouge would on acid; great plot with characters that intertwine much like a Shakespearian tragedy. As in the opera, the script is sung, while there are some parts that are more complete songs: 17 Is Better Than 40. And yes, there is opera in it's pure form, albeit sung in English by a hot younger woman. The set looks much like Blade Runner where the future looks much like the past (and I don't mean the 80's). Paul Sorvino is almost typecast in his role of the powerful man running Genco, the new organ transplant service and is the father of three differently-abled adult children. Yes, one of those is portrayed by Paris Hilton, but still does not detract from the story. If anything, it's an appropriate role for her. The other two brothers are differently messed up, but Pavi (Ogre from Skinny Puppy) is mesmerizing with his many faces. He also commands the "Repo" man whose job it is to take back the organs that were sold and not paid for. Good credit is really important. The young heroine Shilo (Alexa Vega from Spy Kids) is growing up with her single father trying to shelter her from the evils of this world that killed her mother. However her father has a big secret he is keeping from her and of course, she finds out in the worst of ways.
This is not your mother's opera. This is a bloodier (although not as bloody/horror-ish as expected) and very dark film. Being compared to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, it has been heralded as a new cult favorite. It is definitely dark and gothic in picture; the kind where the guys wear just as much make-up. It plays much like Moulin Rouge would on acid; great plot with characters that intertwine much like a Shakespearian tragedy. As in the opera, the script is sung, while there are some parts that are more complete songs: 17 Is Better Than 40. And yes, there is opera in it's pure form, albeit sung in English by a hot younger woman. The set looks much like Blade Runner where the future looks much like the past (and I don't mean the 80's). Paul Sorvino is almost typecast in his role of the powerful man running Genco, the new organ transplant service and is the father of three differently-abled adult children. Yes, one of those is portrayed by Paris Hilton, but still does not detract from the story. If anything, it's an appropriate role for her. The other two brothers are differently messed up, but Pavi (Ogre from Skinny Puppy) is mesmerizing with his many faces. He also commands the "Repo" man whose job it is to take back the organs that were sold and not paid for. Good credit is really important. The young heroine Shilo (Alexa Vega from Spy Kids) is growing up with her single father trying to shelter her from the evils of this world that killed her mother. However her father has a big secret he is keeping from her and of course, she finds out in the worst of ways.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Grey Gardens
With such stellar actresses, Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore, who wouldn't have know this 'based on real life' drama would have turned out. This film is based on the documentary of the real mother and daughter, relations of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy, Little and Big Evie Bouvier Boyle. The story fills in the story from the start (creative license) and adds to what the documentary team shot at their lesser grand phase. The two of them, seemingly co-dependant on each other, going from lush to squalor, from feeding caviar to feeding stray cats is fascinating, captivating and so well done. The period piece shifts over time but stays true to the era and the characters. The DVD offers a look into the real documentary and that is where you see how remarkable each actress has done to embody their counterpart. While Lange won accolades, Barrymore was close behind in nominations. It is impressive to see such a total transformation in Barrymore to acting in a dramatic, quality role. She is fun in romantic comedies, but has found a new niche. Lange rarely disapoints, and this role is no exception. With such crafted acting, the rest of the film follows and does not let down.
BIG Bite: A must see. Fascinating and compelling.
Friday, October 16, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Remember in the '80's when we all ran around having bisexual relations, snorting coke, waking up and taking that first hit off the bong then chain smoking and laying around all day? Welcome to the Informers. Brett Easton Ellis is one of the most prolific writers from that generation. However, like all great writers, he wrote about what he knew, and his view of youth is not like most of ours. His characters are rich and bored and numbing themselves anyway possible. Read the book. Ellis wrote Less Than Zero which also became a movie, better known for a terrifyingly real portrayal of a young man out of control, Robert Downey Jr. Same set up, bored rich kids with every opportunity on a platter yet choosing from the vending machine instead. Ellis also was responsible for American Psycho staring Christian Bale.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
This is so not the film I thought I would like. It's an unconventional story; a more passive man finds his grip lossening on his girlfriend so there is a last ditch attempt and that involves Tank (Dane Cook). Tank is certainly physically appealing, but to be nice, he lacks manners. That is putting it very easy. He resorts to any and all well planned and perfected gross and disgusting maneuvers which usually result in the targeted girlfriend running back into the arms of what now appears the right guy. But there is always an exception. Enter Alexis (Kate Hudson). She is Tank's match and the antics lead the movie in a total opposite direction. I never expected a romance in this movie, but it heads that way and it isn't for me to spoil the ending. Generally speaking I like Dane Cook; generally. Until now, I considered him more of a comedian than an actor. This movie changed my mind. He's no George Clooney or Clive Owen, more like Owen Wilson. All aside, he did a pretty decent job. Hudson, she's done better, was still was a delight to watch.
Bite: Not a great film, but certainly entertaining.
The smallest review I've written. In one word; no.
I love the Wayan's brothers (they could fill a small town) but this was a lame movie. I also love spoof movies, but the references were either way outdated or thrown together too quickly. Every stereotype was played and not played well. Don't waste your time.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I love Michelle Williams. I love dogs. But I didn't love wasting my time; watching them walking, living homeless, shoplifting, walking some more. It may be this genius indie film, but I didn't like it. I broke my rule of never watching films with dogs in it (case in paint: Marley and Me) and this film proved just as disappointing. She seemed to be going somewhere, but this film went nowhere for me. If that wasn't enough, the ending sucked enough to destroy any good parts in this film.
No Bite: I expected more.
I love Michelle Williams. I love dogs. But I didn't love wasting my time; watching them walking, living homeless, shoplifting, walking some more. It may be this genius indie film, but I didn't like it. I broke my rule of never watching films with dogs in it (case in paint: Marley and Me) and this film proved just as disappointing. She seemed to be going somewhere, but this film went nowhere for me. If that wasn't enough, the ending sucked enough to destroy any good parts in this film.
No Bite: I expected more.
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