Wow... what an absolute failure of a movie this was. The story went all over the place and landed nowhere within reason. Fresh, sweet, innocent Aubrey (Lindsay Lohan) is kidnapped and tortured seemingly by a serial killer, but she manages to escape and is found and rushed to the hospital. There are obvious physical signs of how she was tortured but the most pronounced is that she seems to have created an alternate personality, Dakota. The doctor's conclude that the this other personality results from the stress she received from the torture. Now Dakota is pretty much the opposite of Aubrey. She smokes and swears and is a hard woman; who has led a very hard life. She also claims to be an exotic dancer; aka stripper, and we see bits and pieces of Lohan sliding down a pole on a darkened stage, but of course always in a tasteful, no nudity type of way, since we know all strippers usually stay fully covered when "performing". So Dakota is sent back to live as Aubrey and as she snoops around some memories come back to her, or maybe it's psychic powers, but from there, the plot hits all sorts of crazy. Are they long lost twins? Does she show signs of stigmata? It gets very confusing and jumbled but by that point who cares. Lohan "texted" this "performance" in and seemed to be sleepwalking/dancing through it. This movie was released around the time of Lohan's DUI arrest so the studio didn't promote it. I think that by the end of making this movie, Lohan was actually driven to drink resulting in the DUI and the studio, knowing how awful the movie was, used her arrest to sweep the film under the carpet.
Rating: The worst film of the year joining the ranks of Showgirls and Catwoman.
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