There are two kinds of people in this world; those who love Wes Anderson's work (The Royal Tenenbaums, Bottle Rocket, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou) and those who hate it. The DVD has a short "featurette" before the film officially starts, Hotel Chevalier, starring Natalie Portman and Jason Schwartzman (Jack).It offers some insight about Jack that comes up later during the film and is a nice short little added extra. After meeting Jack in the featurette, we are then introduced to his other brothers, Francis (Owen Wilson) and Peter (Adrian Brody). Francis has pulled his brothers together for a "spiritual journey" in India. "The past has happened, but it's over isn't it? Not for us." They haven't seen each other since their father's funeral and they start to re-bond before getting kicked off the train. Soon it is revealed that Francis has ulterior motives for their quest, despite his daily itinerary. Wes Anderson's films are magic to me. T

PICK: While not for everyone, I loved this film, both in subject matter and execution thereof.
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