"Ken: You from the States? Jimmy: Yeah. But don't hold it against me. Ken: I'll try not to... Just try not to say anything too loud or crass."
First, the British hate Americans. (RE: above quote from movie). Second, what a f#@*ing fantastic movie! It is a comedy, romance, drama, suspense and action movie all in one! F*@$! Yes, be forewarned that this film contains the 'f-bomb' dropped 126 times. Watch the DVD extra where all of them are spliced together. I f*%&ing loved this movie and yes, I would marry it. It was f#*&ing sharp, funny and clearly written (After you cut through the f*%$ing thick accents). The premise is that these two hit men have been instructed to go to Bruges to wait for further instruction. Ray (Colin Farrell) is antsy and nervous. He wants to be anywhere except f*#*ing Bruges. His partner, Ken, (Brendan Gleeson) is making the most of the situation and drags Ray to sight see... "shoot first, sight see later". The f*%#ing banter between them is lovely and fun. After a few days their trip becomes increasingly complicated, enter their f*$#ing boss, Harry Waters (Ralph Fiennes). One by one as things are revealed and unraveled, the movie draws you in as the rest of the world fades away; the mark of an excellent f*%$ing movie. The cast is f*&#ing superb and the acting is effortless. Bruges plays a huge part in the film and it all comes to a point at the end. If you are impervious to the 'f-bomb' make sure this is a movie you don't f*#%ing miss.
BIG PICK: On my list for the best f%#* ing movies this year. Very f*$&ing well done.
I agree.
ReplyDeleteGreat flick.
I normally don't care for Colin Farrell, but they finally got him cast for something into his mentality.
Actually loved the movie.