THE AIR I BREATHE IS FRAGRANT AND COMPELLING"Sometimes risking everything is the only choice you have." -PleasureThis film is magical and moving. By far, it is one of best movies I may have ever seen. Based on the Chinese proverb that divides life into four major emotions: Happiness, pleasure, sorrow and love. When put together they make a whole that defines life and our existence. Like the proverb, there are four story lines that fit together piece by piece. Alone they are interesting character pieces. When combined they tell a story of the human condition.
"No emotion, any more than a wave, can long retain its own individual form." Henry Beecher

Each character is named for their emotion. Forrest Whitaker is Happiness and begins the movie. He is a man who is afraid to breathe and apologizes for his very existence. Brendan Fraiser is Pleasure, a man who is anything but afraid and is able to glimpse the future. Sorrow, is Sarah Michele Gellar who has a name, Trista, which means sorrow. She is a pop star who is trying to escape her life. Kevin Bacon rounds out the stellar ensemble as Love, a doctor who loves with his very being. Yes, for a film that received so little reception, it has strong star power. I've not even mentioned the fine work of Andy Garcia, Emile Hirsch, or Julie Delpy. I watched this movie twice, a rarity. It moved me and struck a chord down deep that is the gift I love most about good movies. There was never a dull moment and when you see how each action sets up the next, the end product is a feeling of total satisfaction. How a film like this never received acclaim is shameful, but believable in a world full of Step Up 2 The Streets and Mirrors. The acting in this film is razor sharp. The story is well written and the plot is gripping. I was moved down to the bone.
Big PICK: Not a movie to miss. It is sharp, touching and well done across the board.