Finally a realistic look at jail life. Wade Porter (an outstanding Stephen Dorff) is a common man. He is unthinkably sent to serve hard time and hard it is. He reflects the shock any one of us might feel in such a bizarre situation. Once the shock wears off, little by little he acclimates to the point where he is even lost by his own behavior. This film was set up to take the viewer on the same journey and as in any good film, it no longer feels like a movie. It feels like the sting of hard cold life. Then we have Val Kilmer. Bless his heart. He gained some decent weight for this role and the paps have been on him like white on rice. He is John Smith, the seasoned lifer. He wished for a death sentence, but instead got life, which he has to find peace with. The contrast between the two is powerful and so human. He has fought his demons and finds no answers to his questions. This is one of his more powerful performances to date. Interesting fact; most of the extras in this movie were actual prisoners or ex/current gang members. Watch the DVD extras.
Big PICK: Solid and stunning performances, script and direction. Well done.
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