Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream? -Poe

Paul Hodges: [screaming random movie lines to get a suspect to talk] Yippie-ki-yay, motherfucker!
Jimmy Monroe: I've never seen that movie before.
If I really have to spell it out to you, Jimmy Monroe is played by Bruce Willis and that's just one of the many fine zingers there are throughout this very odd script. This movie comes to us around Kevin Smith best known for Clerks is a bit of a homage to the buddy cop film. Tracy Morgan is of course Paul Hodges who is swept up by emotion and the excitement that real life might reflect one of the many films he has seen and can quote verbatim. Let's just say this is not the best buddy cop movie out there, but with two fine actors, there are certainly parts here and there that make it worth watching. The dialogue is quite clever in parts but the plot is a bit convoluted and certainly ends way too neatly with the big red bow. It was an entertaining film, just not the best film.
It's Jeremy Piven's movie and we're just watching it. He is Don Ready, a car salesman who acts as a gun for hire to other car lots in need. He knows all the tricks to push the cars right off the lot and talks as smooth as a baby's behind. This movie, isn't. It's crude and vulgar and really silly in some parts. However there is just enough star power and fun that it is worth the watch. Will Ferrell has a small but powerful bit. It feels like the Ari Goldman show, Piven's role from Entourage, but he is still fun and it made for an entertaining film. Not a great film by any means, but something entertaining and silly.
I too am swayed by the reviews I read and combined with watching the previews I was sure I would miss this one. However, when faced with slim pickings at the library and a boring night sewing and needing something to make noise in the background, there I was watching this film. It's totally predictable: two New Yorkers, a couple on the verge of divorce (Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker who seems terminally trapped in New York) witness mob activity and now have to be relocated by the officials for their own safety. Of course they are relocated to the podunkiest town in all of the US and are shocked to see how the simple cowboy people live. It's a predictable script, with less than stellar dialogue and there is NO chemistry between Grant and Parker. Other than that, it was an okay movie. It was simple and fluffy and sometimes that's what's called for in a situation. There were some funny moments and some sweet moments and I LOVE Sam Elliott and Mary Steenburgen as the host family for these two. The best parts are with Elliott. It's lighthearted and silly and it really wasn't that bad. Not a rave review, but you never know when you'll be in a similar situation!