Monday, March 22, 2010


"Seth Rogen: Your love glass is half full."

Charlyne Yi can't speak. Watch the bonus features and see how many takes it took to get what you see on screen because she giggles and stutters and has no composure whatsoever. She is a geek, but that is part of her appeal so we let that suspension of reality go for the time being. She has decided, with director Nick Jasanovec (who hired an actor to portray him onscreen) to go on the road and travel to all sorts of places to meet all sorts of people to try to find out what love is.
 Charlyne doesn't know if she is capable of loving or being loved and then (on cue) Michael Cera happens to bump into her at a party. I like Cera too, but to watch someone "be" in a documentary try to act like they are not acting is painful. Mid-watching, I consulted my online gurus to figure out if this was supposed to be a documentary or a fake documentary. Turns out it's both. Although they did date, the whole love story between Yo and Cera is improved and stiff and not in the good way. Yi's commentary and her moderation seemed too well written and forced. I did, however, like the interviews they did with the "real" people and the animation that went with it was cute. The kids at the playground give the best answers. Overall, it wasn't a bad movie, but slow paced and soft.
Nibble: I didn't like watching a fake documentary but the not fake parts were worthwhile.

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