Vince Pierce: They used to tank cod from Alaska all the way to China. They'd keep them in vats in the ship. By the time the codfish reached China, the flesh was mush and tasteless. So this guy came up with the idea that if you put these cods in these big vats, put some catfish in with them and the catfish will keep the cod agile. And there are those people who are catfish in life. And they keep you on your toes. They keep you guessing, they keep you thinking, they keep you fresh. And I thank god for the catfish because we would be droll, boring and dull if we didn't have somebody nipping at our fin.
Who knew a documentary film could be more thrilling than most of the "scary" horror films out on DVD right now. I can't say too much about this film without giving away the part that makes it so unbelievably awesome. This is a documentary that follows a young man (Nev) who practically falls into a rabbit hole of unbelievable circumstance that will literally blow your mind. During the last half an hour or so of this film I could barely remember to breathe and my eyes were glued to the screen. As the events unfolded, and this film became more and more shocking, it then turned a sharp corner and made it a touching testament to grace and forgiveness. This film is a real commentary on the human condition. I could not have enjoyed this film more. There were several times that I had to stop and check that it was indeed real, a documentary, and not a piece of fiction. Make sure to put this on your must-see list.
Note: Just like I'm Still Here was thought to be fake and in the end was, this movie has caught a lot of flak for not being authentic. The filmmakers have admitted to re-enacting some of the scenes, I would believe they took a lot of "creative" license with the whole film... if something is that unbelievable, maybe it is. Either way, I still loved this film and the idea alone is worth the good review.
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