"I was blind, but now I see."
What if there was a pill that when you took it, your eyes became more intensely blue?
Okay, that may not be the case that that is what it certainly felt like when watching this movie. Perhaps I was the only one to notice that change... When we first meet Eddie (Bradley Cooper) he is, for lack of a better word, a big loser. Being in the right place at the right time he is introduced to a pill, NZT, that allows him to use the full potential of his whole brain. It doesn't sound like much of a high but instead more of a mania. Either way, this pill allows him to be all that he can be without joining the Army. Soon, he is on top of the world, both careerwise and in general lifewise. This is what living life to the fullest is. Of course living this intense life does not come without consequence. Of course, to up the ante, there are only so many pills. Soon Eddie also finds out that he is not the only one to have discovered this new drug. And then things get literally cutthroat. (watch for the ice skating scene) I've loved the concept for this film, the idea of using the whole brain and what that might look like. It was a very slick looking movie and the story was intriguing. The supporting actors were not outstanding. The dialogue was not very memorable. But the idea that propelled the movie made up for it to weaker moments in this film. Cooper did an excellent job, especially with his big blue eyes.