Saturday, August 6, 2011


I wasn't sure quite what to expect from this film, but I did know that I adore the main character, actor Aaron Johnson, from two of my past well-liked movies, Kick Ass and Nowhere Boy. He plays William, an introvert who is disarmingly charismatic and charming. However, we find that he is more disturbed than one can imagine. In a highly clever and original style, this movie brings the concept of Internet chat rooms into a very visual medium. In this "place" (which is of course the Internet) we find many doors with intriguing titles on them and watch as William takes one for himself. This is his chat room. Slowly, other people join in, namely Eva, Jim and Emily. Our view switches back and forth from names in a chat room to where and who they actually are on the other side of the computer in real life. The dialogue is beautifully written so that it sounds like what someone would type in when chatting but yet acted out in a way that sounds like normal conversation. Johnson is the only actor I recognized, however all other actors in this film are excellent and did outstanding work. We learn about all of the people in the chat room and what their real lives are like. As we get to know them, we also get to see how twisted William really is. He acts as a sort of puppet master and gets his new friends to do things they probably wouldn't have done before. William sinks farther down into both depression and depravity as the film grows darker and darker. It is a suspense filled psychological drama and I found it 10 times more scary than Paranormal Activity. I could go on a bit about how good William is in this role, but I won't. I just want you to know that I could. It is a sad film and a tad depressing, but more than anything I found it intriguing, interesting and entertaining. What more could you ask from a film? Loved it!   

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