More of this is true than you would believe.
With a cast including George
Clooney, Ewan
McGregor, Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges, I had some pretty big expectations of this movie. I knew it would be odd and different, but I had hoped it would do so in a good way; a cool way. Instead we get a lackluster film that even if planted in reality, really doesn't take flight.
McGregor is a journalist following a lead about the use of "psychic spies" by the army and the training and history of the program. It has the star power, but the plot goes off course too many times and the characters get lost on the way. Bridges comes close to recreating the "dude" and is fun to watch, but also sad. There are funny moments, but not enough so that it feels like a comedy. And yes, we get the joke, as it is repeated many times, about how
McGregor was once a
jedi and these soldiers consider themselves
jedis; ha ha ha. As much as I wanted to like this film, it just sort of fell flat.
Nibble: Something to watch and fun characters but lackluster story.