Thursday, December 31, 2009
So first we had 'chick flicks'. Now we have 'bromances'. Judd Apatow has owned the market with 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, but now it has spread. The Hangover is the latest in this vein brought to us by Todd Phillips (Old School). Four friends (three friends and a soon to be brother in law) head out for a blowout party before one of them gets married. In an interesting twist, we wake up with them the next morning and very much like them, we want to know what happened. The twist is that no one remembers and the groom to be is missing. It is a perfect set up for a caper comedy.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) was brought into this world specifically to save her sister Kate (Sofia Vassilieva) who is dying from leukemia. For her entire life, she has been subjected to numerous medical procedures all in efforts to save her sister’s life. When it comes time to donate a kidney, Anna turns to lawyer Campbell Alexander, (Alec Baldwin) to sue her parents for medical emancipation, letting her decide what she wants and doesn’t want to do with her body.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Truly a sweet and unexpected romantic comedy... Georgia (Nia Vardalos) is a teacher in Athens who isn't teaching but acting as a tour guide trying to push her knowledge onto a big group of wacky, ungrateful tourists who just want to go to the beach and buy souvenirs. She has lost the joy she once had for Greece and now just follows pathetically along as her tourists begin to teach her. They help her find balance between her love of the academic and love of life.
Friday, December 11, 2009
If you think this film will be funny because it stars Rainn Wilson, think again. The film is about an old man (at least 40) who once in a band turned mega-stars, feels a bit unfulfilled as he was kicked out of the band before they made it big. One thing leads to another and suddenly he is drumming again, but this time for the prom of his nephew’s high school. And again, one thing leads to another and this band of high school misfits turns into a huge success. It wasn’t a terrible film, but that’s hardly a preamble to a great review. I was bored. I watched it. I made it to the end and paid moderate attention. There are several members from Saturday Night Live who have funny enough roles and that’s just what it felt like, a really long skit on Saturday Night Live. I like Rainn Wilson, and he does a fine job but I still find him more fun to watch on the Office.
Nibble: Mildly entertaining, but nothing you MUST watch.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
What is not to love about Sacha Baron Cohen? He is a talented actor, not afraid to push the envelope, and that’s an understatement, in order to drive home a point. In Borat it was more funny and new and not over disturbing for most viewers because it was such a new concept to do a “punked” film. However, Bruno is another can of wienerschitzel. Bruno is a male model and entertainer from Austria who comes to America to try to achieve fame and fortune. There are parts of this film so explicit I wouldn’t just not want my mother to watch it, I wouldn’t want her to know I watched it. Vulgar and explicit, the target ranges from celebrity to fashion to bigotry; extreme anti-gay bigotry. One of my favorites was when he interviews the parent’s of children eager to be placed in a TV spot agree to the most outlandish things just to get their kid working. I do like having a new word for my va-jay-jay…. Vah-gee-nah; talk that Oprah. Overall, it was a fun film and Cohen made his points, sharp as nails. The best is saved for last; a video Bruno does which includes, Bono, Slash, Elton John, Sting and Snoop Dog. It is a lovely ending and well worth any uncomfortable scenes previously viewed.
BITE: I’ll never tire of Cohen’s colorful characters and his bold social statements.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Cheri: Yes, I know, but what I thought might be appropriate is if I were the last.
Based on a Colette story, this film follows the entanglement of a beautiful, but aging courtesan, Lea de Lonval (a radiant Michelle Pfieffer) and Cheri, Rupert Friend, who is the much younger son of an old friend. At first she seems to be schooling him, but the death kiss of any courtesan is love, and that she finds. There isn’t really much plot or drama to this film. It is simple in its story telling. However, the costumes and scenery are lush and rich with color and play a role in the film as much does New York in Sex In The City. This did not seem to be straining Pfieffer’s acting abilities, but she looks lovely (aside from being too boney for that time period) and for that you could and do spent the film reveling in her loveliness. Friend was equally as handsome and did a fine job of portraying an overindulged youth. Kathy Bates is Cheri’s mother and does a fine job of acting the doting mother. This film is nothing too serious or overly taxing on the mind, but a pretty picture with pretty people.
½ Bite: Lush and pretty to watch, but not much for plot or drama.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Actually, it was only Morgan Freeman who was flaming. What a waste of some of our most brilliant actors: William H. Macy, Morgan Freeman and Christopher Walken.
So these three are security guards for an art museum, each taken by a particular piece of art; perhaps obsessed is more like it as they risk everything in a plan to steal their beloved art work before they are shipped to a new museum. Bumbling is the word that most comes to mind and it is painful. All three actors have and can pull off comedy, so I’m not sure where this film went wrong except for the script and their decisions to act in it. The script was written by the person who wrote Me, You and Dupree, so maybe that was a huge warning signal. I think even grandma would want to pass on this film.
NO Bite: It was painful to watch such talent wasted.
NOT for the faint of heart. I couldn’t find the count for how many times the F bomb was dropped (or mouthed) but it was up there. Yes, I watched it in its entirety and I laughed, not at everything, but at the dumb, politically incorrect places. The movie is about a ‘mall cop’ Ronnie Barnhardt (funny man Seth Rogen) who has aspirations of becoming a police officer, most likely to be able to abuse his power. He loves his iron and hits the target, repeatedly. He believes in and uses excessive force whenever possible. With all this in mind, this movie is dumb, offensive in oh so many ways and dumb and offensive. His character is Bipolar, which I thought was a neat twist, but it wasn’t an accurate portrayal at all. His fixation and date rape of his love interest was also offensive. Ronnie lives with his mother and she is an alcoholic, also not a funny topic. Thing is, this film is so dumb and offensive, you have to take it as just that. If I wanted to know more about Bipolar disorder I wouldn’t seek this film out as a reference. If you can take it as it is, a stupid and stupid movie about a mall cop, there are some funny parts. I haven’t seen male full-frontal like that before, but it didn’t offend or make me laugh. It just was. So, take it as it is and if you are easily offended, don’t watch it. Easy.
½ Bite: For a stupid and offensive movie, I found some laughs. Not for everyone.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ryder: No, I gave you instructions and you know the consequences.
The dance was beautiful. A run-of-the-mill crime drama takes on a whole new twist when we realize the characters we've been watching aren't at all who they seem to be. John Travolta is Ryder, the lead mastermind behind the hijacking of a subway train car and Denzel Washington is, Walter Garber, the "average civil servant" whose dumb luck it is to be on duty when Pelam 123 is taken hostage with its passengers. The key to the movie is the unfolding of each character, the peeling away at the surface layers to reveal people almost counter-characteristic of who we thought they were. The dance between each as they talk to each other during the crime is flawless. The script was well written as Ryder demands open and raw honesty from Garber. With a gun and many vulnerable hostages, Ryder forces Garber to admit and explain actions he has taken, decisions he has made in his life. Both characters are much more than they seem to be and it makes for a very watchable movie. I revel in the joy of a good film that commands your total attention.
BITE: I loved the characters and the actors were fantastic. Well done.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
No explosions, no wild car chases or shoot outs... this is a simple and tender journal of a young couple looking for a place to live and a way to live it. With a baby on the way, Bert and Verona (portrayed by skilled comedians, John Krasinsky and Maya Rudolph) are looking for a place to start this new phase of their life together. Their travel is geographic, but also psychological as they compare and contrast the different friends and relatives they observe. Allison Janney is a complete scene stealer; however the film gives room for each character to show their stuff as Bert and Verona act as narrators. Maggie Gyllenhaal also presents her character larger than life but as a life, as a lifestyle and it's brilliant. Softly and gently our narrators find meaning and a "place" for themselves in their lives.
Bite: A slow pace and wonderful characters give this movie an understated strength.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
With a great supporting cast, I was hoping to find Jack Black filling the movie being funny in his awkward way. Didn't happen. Can I have my time back?! This was far worse than anything that comes to mind as of late. I would rather watch Lindsay Lohan's I Know Who Killed Me again. The other body in the picture is 'Juno's boyfriend' and not a great addition to the cast. It was crass, dimwitted and a waste of film; full of poop jokes and farts, even the gag reel is unfunny. There is an attempt to put a message at the end of the movie and it fell flat. I am not surprised, but very disappointed. This film is a literal piece of crap.
NOT CLOSE TO A BITE: I wouldn't put my fangs neat this film. Ick!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
When there’s no where else to go, go home. So home is where loser Billy (Troy Garity) heads when things get rough in the city, with his girlfriend’s son in tow. Being the eternal warm motherly woman, Maggie (Sissy Spacek) is nonplused when she arrives home to find the son she hasn’t spoken to in a year raiding her refrigerator. Slowly the story unfolds and we discover why Billy is on the run, why the kid is with him and how the events of the past can bring this new family back together.
NEVER TRUST A FILM WITH A DOG. When the film began and I saw one of the lead actors with him I should have shut off the tv and learned how to knit. It happens every time. Case in point: Marley and Me.
Preacher Travis Jordon (Martin Donovan) is not practicing what he preaches. Three years ago his wife was found murdered and they never found the killer. Since then he has renounced God and found himself comfortable in a case of beer AND A DOG. So the residents of the small town he lives in begin seeing signs and witnessing acts of miracle. Soon we meet the elusive prophet and possible second coming, Brandon Nichols (a well worn Edward Furlong). The town is easily pacified while the Preacher remains skeptical and looks closer into the worldly information on this messiah. Jordan is aided in his search by the skeptical VETERINARIAN Morgan Elliot (Surprisingly played by Kelly Lynch). Soon they discover the key to unlock the spell the town has fallen under.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
How many times does one have to watch the Omen to learn that oversees adoptions have their risks? While Madonna and Brangelina have made adoption seem cool, this movie does not. Esther is from Russia and is a precocious little girl that parents Kate and John (Vera Farmiga and Peter Sarsgaard) feel they need to add to their family of a young girl, Max and a slightly older boy, Daniel. As their familial story unfolds, so does Esther and her particular habits and inclinations start to get more aggressive. Soon we learn that Esther can be a handful and that is the understatement of the year.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This is not your mother's opera. This is a bloodier (although not as bloody/horror-ish as expected) and very dark film. Being compared to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, it has been heralded as a new cult favorite. It is definitely dark and gothic in picture; the kind where the guys wear just as much make-up. It plays much like Moulin Rouge would on acid; great plot with characters that intertwine much like a Shakespearian tragedy. As in the opera, the script is sung, while there are some parts that are more complete songs: 17 Is Better Than 40. And yes, there is opera in it's pure form, albeit sung in English by a hot younger woman. The set looks much like Blade Runner where the future looks much like the past (and I don't mean the 80's). Paul Sorvino is almost typecast in his role of the powerful man running Genco, the new organ transplant service and is the father of three differently-abled adult children. Yes, one of those is portrayed by Paris Hilton, but still does not detract from the story. If anything, it's an appropriate role for her. The other two brothers are differently messed up, but Pavi (Ogre from Skinny Puppy) is mesmerizing with his many faces. He also commands the "Repo" man whose job it is to take back the organs that were sold and not paid for. Good credit is really important. The young heroine Shilo (Alexa Vega from Spy Kids) is growing up with her single father trying to shelter her from the evils of this world that killed her mother. However her father has a big secret he is keeping from her and of course, she finds out in the worst of ways.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Grey Gardens
With such stellar actresses, Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore, who wouldn't have know this 'based on real life' drama would have turned out. This film is based on the documentary of the real mother and daughter, relations of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy, Little and Big Evie Bouvier Boyle. The story fills in the story from the start (creative license) and adds to what the documentary team shot at their lesser grand phase. The two of them, seemingly co-dependant on each other, going from lush to squalor, from feeding caviar to feeding stray cats is fascinating, captivating and so well done. The period piece shifts over time but stays true to the era and the characters. The DVD offers a look into the real documentary and that is where you see how remarkable each actress has done to embody their counterpart. While Lange won accolades, Barrymore was close behind in nominations. It is impressive to see such a total transformation in Barrymore to acting in a dramatic, quality role. She is fun in romantic comedies, but has found a new niche. Lange rarely disapoints, and this role is no exception. With such crafted acting, the rest of the film follows and does not let down.
BIG Bite: A must see. Fascinating and compelling.
Friday, October 16, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Remember in the '80's when we all ran around having bisexual relations, snorting coke, waking up and taking that first hit off the bong then chain smoking and laying around all day? Welcome to the Informers. Brett Easton Ellis is one of the most prolific writers from that generation. However, like all great writers, he wrote about what he knew, and his view of youth is not like most of ours. His characters are rich and bored and numbing themselves anyway possible. Read the book. Ellis wrote Less Than Zero which also became a movie, better known for a terrifyingly real portrayal of a young man out of control, Robert Downey Jr. Same set up, bored rich kids with every opportunity on a platter yet choosing from the vending machine instead. Ellis also was responsible for American Psycho staring Christian Bale.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
This is so not the film I thought I would like. It's an unconventional story; a more passive man finds his grip lossening on his girlfriend so there is a last ditch attempt and that involves Tank (Dane Cook). Tank is certainly physically appealing, but to be nice, he lacks manners. That is putting it very easy. He resorts to any and all well planned and perfected gross and disgusting maneuvers which usually result in the targeted girlfriend running back into the arms of what now appears the right guy. But there is always an exception. Enter Alexis (Kate Hudson). She is Tank's match and the antics lead the movie in a total opposite direction. I never expected a romance in this movie, but it heads that way and it isn't for me to spoil the ending. Generally speaking I like Dane Cook; generally. Until now, I considered him more of a comedian than an actor. This movie changed my mind. He's no George Clooney or Clive Owen, more like Owen Wilson. All aside, he did a pretty decent job. Hudson, she's done better, was still was a delight to watch.
Bite: Not a great film, but certainly entertaining.
The smallest review I've written. In one word; no.
I love the Wayan's brothers (they could fill a small town) but this was a lame movie. I also love spoof movies, but the references were either way outdated or thrown together too quickly. Every stereotype was played and not played well. Don't waste your time.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I love Michelle Williams. I love dogs. But I didn't love wasting my time; watching them walking, living homeless, shoplifting, walking some more. It may be this genius indie film, but I didn't like it. I broke my rule of never watching films with dogs in it (case in paint: Marley and Me) and this film proved just as disappointing. She seemed to be going somewhere, but this film went nowhere for me. If that wasn't enough, the ending sucked enough to destroy any good parts in this film.
No Bite: I expected more.
Monday, September 21, 2009

Although not a thriller, I felt myself practically holding my breath, anxiously waiting for the next layer to peel off and reveal yet another piece of the puzzle. This movie centers on a group of strangers and their recollections and attempts to cope with a seemingly random shooting at the local diner. The cast is vast and wide and the film compelling and meaningful, mainly: the waitress, a single mother in a tight situation, (Kate Beckinsale), a ordinary man seated at the counter (Forest Whitaker), a doctor just in for some coffee (Guy Pearce), a young girl (Dakota Fanning) who watches as her father is killed then turns to God for all the answers, and her friend (Josh Hutcherson) who stops speaking after the incident.
Additionally, the families related to those involved are also given a closer look: the mother (Jeanne Tripplehorn), the daughter (Jennifer Hudson) the wife (Embeth Davidtz). However the star lit cast, it was the story and the memories and flashbacks that the characters endured and relived over and over that provided the structure. Situations like this happen so regularly that we've become tolerant but when it happens to you, and it could, this may be what it looks like. There is no hero. There is nothing but random events that when put together, make a highly provocative film.
Bite: A very interesting and entertaining film.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rose Lorkowski (Amy Adams) wants a better life for her son and herself. After her mother died when sh was young, she has spent her life taking care of everyone but herself. Full of high hopes and positive affirmations, she works as a housekeeper until she can earn her real estate license; her ticket out. She passes the time in a "relationship" with her high school boyfriend, now married to someone else. She struggles to care for her handful of a son, her get-rich-quick scheming father, Joe (Alan Arkin) and her emotionally bruised sister Norah (Emily Blunt). She tries to find solace in the arms of her married ex-high school boyfriend, Mac, but she comes up alone and broken. An opportunity comes knocking; working as a crime scene clean-up worker to which she dives into full force, dragging her sister behind her. Rose exudes confidence and starts to glow with the pride of doing meaningful work and feeling like she is making a difference. Her sister reluctantly joins her as she seems allergic to working in general.
She doesn't like it, but tries her best, perhaps to please her sister and even finding her own self worth. She has spent a lifetime morning the loss of her mother without being sure exactly how to do just that. She is a pathetic mess trying to find some peace of mind.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Frankly, the whole first half of this movie both bored and confused me. Even though our main character, Interpol Agent Louis Salinger (Clive Owen) is determined to "get the bad guy" he isn't likable. I understand he didn't need to be and references are made about his past that indicate he was coming off some personal demons, just not enough, however, to make me care; loosely followed by Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts). Perhaps this is the way that their real counterparts act, but this is a movie and I need to feel some kind of connection to the people who are trying to save the day. Ironically enough, the director purposefully made his "bad guys" not bad, but humans who are just trying to take care of their own families and live their own lives. That was a nice touch.
Monday, September 14, 2009
SAW V: Quick Bite

Monday, August 31, 2009

Being a psychology major in college, I've gained a discerning eye with regard to films about the mentally ill. My complaints usually stem from the usual stereotypical behavior assigned to each condition. This film, however, did an exceptional job of showing the reality of a terrible majority of those who suffer mental illness and homelessness. It's not perfect and to me, ended up being more about homelessness than mental illness. Over time, many people who endure mental illness have also been blessed with genius; painting, writing, playing music. That's where this movie starts. Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) is a reporter in Los Angeles who, while searching for story ideas, comes across an interesting character, Nathaniel Ayers (Jamie Foxx) who can make a two-strung violin sound like angels from heaven.
Sunday, August 30, 2009

This was, by far, the most horrifying horror film I've seen in a while. It's not because it was that good. It's due to its over the top, graphic and painful violence. Characters like Jason or Freddy are surreal. They kill at random and usually in an over the top, not so believable (get out of the house!) way. Haunted house flicks are suspenseful and may have bloodshed, but it's from unearthly beings, which again, makes it less believable. Last House, however, is so realistic and "it could happen to anyone-ish" that it is unbearable to even hear some scenes, let alone watch them. The story is a nice doctor and his family go to their summer house. The young girl, as usual, wants to visit her friend and heads into town. One thing leads to another and soon the young girl is beaten, brutally raped, shot and then left for dead by a rag-tag bunch of psychopaths. As the rain hits, the psychopaths end up at the girls house, unwittingly asking her parents for shelter from the rain. It is tense and even more suspenseful than a grade B horror flick.
QUID PRO QUO: Quick Bite

Friday, August 28, 2009
17 AGAIN: Quick Bite

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
PUSH: Quick Bite

That's pretty much the film in a nutshell except we see Dakota Fanning working on keeping her career alive now that she's not a cute little kid. Basically a group of people (like in Heroes) are trying to track down young pretty people with "abilities" (just like Heroes) and use their powers for evil not good. It takes place in Hong Kong, so that's different, otherwise it's a cheap knockoff.
No Bite: Instead, rent the first season of Heroes and catch up before the new one starts.
Monday, August 24, 2009
I LOVE YOU MAN: Quick Bite

Just when I've given up on love, in walks a movie with a whole different twist. Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) and Zooey (Rashida Jones) are about to get married. Problem is, once all the wedding plans are in motion, it becomes painfully obvious that Peter doesn't have any guy friends. So this is a love story about a man, a woman and another man; but not in the way that you think. This is a fresh and hilarious movie, perfectly cast and acted, that was so funny I thought I might pee my pants. Sydney (Jason Segel) is a perfect answer for Peter's plight. His actions and the twists and turns keep you guessing and also points out how cynical we can be. Rush fans need apply.
BIG BITE: Be sure to watch the extras. The gag reel alone will make you chuckle.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
THE UNBORN: Very Quick Bite
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009
OBSESSED: Quick Bite

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

I didn't like this movie at first. Adam Sandler seemed to sleepwalk the first half, perhaps on purpose. Most children's films (Shrek being notable) have something, even if subtly, to offer for the adults who brought their children to the movie to enjoy. I can't say that I felt or saw anything comparable. Sandler is the Uncle to a pair of children and a bizarro guinea pig who ends up telling bedtime stories that turn out to show an incredible similarity to incidents in the real world. Sure, predictable and not that great, but all the same, I felt warm and happy at the end of it. Cute enough for children, but no Emmy winner.
Nibble: For the children, not for the adults.
Friday, August 7, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

With a title like that it is easy to label this film a "chick flick" without batting an eye lash. Cotton candy dresses, well accessorized and tons of shoes. It would put Carrie Bradshaw (Sex In The City) to shame.
So what. This film, for me, has the two qualities I treasure greatly. It was both magical and charming. On the outside layer, it is a movie about a young woman, Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) who loves fashion and shopping so much she lands a hefty several thousand dollars in debt. Yes, she's quite vapid, but she has a good heart. In order to earn the money to get collections off her back, she is (accidentally) hired as a writer for a financial magazine. The inside layer offers commentary on materialism and responsibility. Like a classic Three's Company episode, this movie has a lot of misunderstandings, physical humor and underneath it all, it has heart. Of course the love interest is singled out early on (walking with a target on his back) Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy). Let's face it; any and all Hughs from the UK are charming and unassuming. The rest of the supporting cast is star-powered and it was fun to see familiar faces.
I was set to shatter this movie with both barrels, but I really liked it. It's no No Country For Old Men or Gran Torino. It was light and fluffy and a fresh breath of air on these unseasonable hot summer days. Call me a flibbertigibbet, but this was a fun and most enjoyable film. The tango scene is beautiful.
Big unexpected BITE: What a lovely, topsy-turvey, incandescent, glowing gem of a film.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) is a racist old coot if there ever was one. He is set in his ways, much due to his military background, while the rest comes from trying to maintain himself after the death of his wife. The neighborhood he lives in has evolved from white middle class to a multicultural soup du-jour. From the start of the film he mutters to himself constantly about the (insert racist slurs here) people who now out number him. Slowly his guard is chipped away and he begrudgingly shares in his neighbor's cultural ways. In return, he is given the chance to help his neighbors and the transformation is beautiful and captivating.
It is rare that I call a movie a work of art. This movie is a work of art. The plot is cutting edge. How can this cantankerous old man have redeeming qualities? The actors don't act; they simply are. Hands down Clint Eastwood proves, yet again, his strength and craft as an actor. The supporting cast was so believable that when watching the 'making of' extra, I could barely stand to watch the 'bad guys' behave and talk as 'normal' professional actors. This is what a perfect 10 looks like. My first car was a 1968 Gran Torino with Thor holding a sword etched in the back glass window. It didn't last long, as much as I tired to revive it. However, like this movie, it is so much more than just a story about a car. What a compelling and moving work in every piece of the motion picture pie.
Big BITE: This is a perfect piece of cinematic art. I am at a loss for words. A must see.
Sunday, July 19, 2009

They say genius resides in insanity. This would be an excellent example. The film is set on a backdrop of cloudy gray Brighton Beach. Leonard (Phoenix) has just moved back in with his parents after a relationship gone bad. He makes half-hearted attempts to end his life, but he doesn't want to die. He just wants something less predictable. As his family wants, he works at their dry cleaning store, almost with his head in the clouds waiting to decide the next course of action. His uber-Jewish parents have also set him up with a "very nice Jewish girl", in hopes for marriage and all things traditional. Leonard follows slowly and blindly. He doesn't want to settle and he doesn't want to follow this well worth ancestral path. It is about this time that he notices a neighbor, Michelle (Gwyneth Paltrow) a shiksa goddess (non-Jewish) who is new and exciting and stunning and just as mentally scarred as he is. She offers him an opportunity to veer off the well beaten path. He is excited by her and she comes to depend on his gentleman virtues. So who does he choose?
Who can say what Joaquin Phoenix has going on in his head with the whole "this is my last movie" and "now I'll be a rapper" thing. The part that worries me is that he will veer off his very successful career leaving us to want more. His ability to bring this broken shell of a man out without it being over done is amazing. If this is his last film, he will go out with a bang. Gwyneth Paltrow IS that messed up but pretty girl. She is so complicated and vulnerable all at the same time. I'm not sure anyone else could have pulled that performance off. The movie is dark and cold and not a "feel good" film and it was punished for going against the grain. I've never seen a movie pull off a feeling, not a mood but a texture. It's a shame that this film did not and will not get the recognition it deserved.
BITE: A bit moody and dark, but stunning acting and well crafted.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wow... this film really bit the big one. An overly serious movie about life and death and beings from other worlds. Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. This is an over the top message film. Nicholas Cage, John Koestler, is a big brainiac who notices a numerical pattern on a piece of paper found in his son's school's time capsule sealed 50 years previous. So get gets all freaky in his attempt to break the 'code', but he does and then the whole world falls apart. The end.
This could have been a better movie had it some dark comedy tossed in here or there or if had just not taken itself so seriously. It was interesting, but totally predictable. Another movie I saw (I have no original thoughts) makes the point that mathematics is the one 'language' we all can understand; including space monsters. I love Cage, but he was way too life or death and it was just too much.
This BITES: Held my attention but for all the wrong reasons.
Friday, July 17, 2009

I don't mind watching movies labeled as "chick flicks". Some are offended by the phrase, but it helps me gauge what to expect or not expect from a film. (Face it, even critics are biased.) That being said, I was hoping to catch a lighthearted comedy about relationships. I finished the DVD then went right to the bathroom to look for the razor blades.
This was some sort of cross-pollination between When Harry Met Sally (BEST relationship film ever), Sex and the City (BEST TV series on relationships) and then really bad, tedious, painful, stagnant writing and acting. You have this fabulous cast: Drew Barrymore, Ginnifer Goodwin, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Connelly, Jennifer Aniston. These fabulous women (I guess the men got the short end: RE: "Chick Flick") and nothing was good about any of it. The plots are predictable and uninteresting. The heaping piles of character attack on how women operate could fuel a hybrid car. Like some women, when it comes to men, everything revolves that relationship and all it entails. However, talking about your new boyfriend is one thing. Talking about how stupid you are when it comes to love and romance and then making more stupid choices while expecting different results, over and over and over and over and OVER AND OVER, is another thing. Luckily I am here to heed warning. I'm no brain scientist and even I wouldn't make half the cliched mistakes that happen in this flick. ACK!
BITE ME: May be tasteless but certainly not odorless. Not a good film. Go re watch WHMS.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This is not your average horror movie. There are limited amounts of blood and horror. The rest is about Gina McVey (Lena Headley) a charming young woman who gets a bump on the head that really ruins her day. The pace is slow and steady, leading us to its crescendo at the end (as all good horror/thriller movies do). The thing that struck me was how well filmed it is. It has style, almost like a hand painted film. Love the slow-mo action. I'm not over the moon about it, but I thought it was much better than I anticipated. Luckily Lena has enough acting chops to help her pull off this thriller.
Bite: It kept me watching the whole time. Not fantastic, but entertaining.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yes, another knock off from an Asian original. Simply, Hollywood should end this practise now. Japan, China and now Korean are steeped in their own cultures and each object or person, most times, was based on cultural meaning that is only relevant to them. Then we Americans get up and try to do a remake based on story alone and it seems to get all tangled up. When will the maddness end?! It isn't bad for us to try to branch out. It's just more pieces would fit together in their own cultural reference point.
That being said, the movie is set in a small town and on this day, Anna (Emily Browning) has just been released from a mental institution after a breakdown she suffered at the time of a terrible fire and the death of her invalid mother. She's happy to be back with her sister, but doesn't like the new addition of Rachel (Elizabeth Banks) her father's new girlfriend. From there, dark shadows threaten, doors slam, nightmarish dreams and her new "mommy-to-be" all taunt and threaten to return Anna to her previous mental breakdown. At least she has her sister to help.
This film feels like the viewer is expected to be scarred here, relieved here and then frightened... now. It's forced and just pretty boring.
This Bites: Rent the original
Thursday, June 25, 2009
JUNE 25, 2009

I'm still in shock. Before all the craziness and the paparazzi... Jackson made music that touched people all over the world. I remember liking him for his music and no one cared about his eccentricities. He was a true star and talent. He will be missed.
Fawcett's famous picture was on my older brother's wall and she was just the best thing since sliced cheese. While at recess there were fights over who "got to be" Jill (her character in Charlie's Angels). She was a beautiful actress and many have said her videotaped log kept during her cancer put a face on the disease. It's a sad day.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009